Buying Fruit on a Budget

Buying fruits can be expensive. Here are some shopping tips that will help you get them into your meals without breaking the bank.

Buy Fruits on Sale. If your grocery store has weekly sales on certain items, take advantage of the special price. Most sale items change from week to week, so each week you can buy a variety of fruits at a great price.

Buy Fruits In Season. Seasonal fruit is much cheaper if it's bought at the right time of year. It is also at the peak of freshness and will taste better.

Buy Only What You Will Eat. Fresh fruits are not stock up foods. Most fresh fruits should be eaten within a few days. Buy amounts that you will eat in a few days. Follow the directions in this book for how to store fresh fruits at home. Proper storage will keep fruits fresher longer.

Buy Frozen Fruits. Frozen fruits are just as nutritious as fresh fruits and they will keep a long time in the freezer. Compare prices and look out for sales. Frozen fruits are great to use for cooking and blender recipes, such as smoothies.

Buy Canned Fruits. Canned fruits can be cheaper than fresh fruits and they last for much longer so you don't need to eat them right away. Select canned fruits that are packed in water or 100% juice. Avoid canned fruits labeled "packed in light syrup" or "packed in heavy syrup" because they are very high in sugar.

Shop at a Farmer's Market or Local Farm Stand. Buying from a farmer's market means that you'll be getting high quality produce and in many cases, the costs will be affordable too. Shopping at a farmer's market is ideal for buying fruits that are in-season.

Pick Your Own. See if there are any farms in your area where you can pick your own fruit. This can work out much cheaper than buying from a grocery store and is a fun time, too!

Cheryl Tallman is the co-founder of Fresh Baby, creators of the award-winning So Easy Baby Food Kit, and author of the So Easy Baby Food Basics: Homemade Baby Food in Less Than 30 Minutes Per Week and So Easy Toddler Food: Survival Tips and Simple Recipes for the Toddler Years. Visit Cheryl online at to learn about her latest creation, the Kid's Portion Plate.