Coffee or Bananas? 3 Crazy-Looking Coffee Makers

Just when we thought that coffee gadgets couldn't get any more outrageous, digs up over-the-top coffee and espresso contraptions that might inspire you to cash out your 401K, or shake your head in disbelief.

1. Elektra Company's vintage espresso machine (pictured above) is R2D2's brassy cousin. Loving the extra room for cup storage, but it doesn't appear to be user friendly for the average coffee-drinker. The user manual must be difficult to get through.

2. esPRESSivo's Portable Espresso Coffee Maker allows you to "press the beans, light up a small flame at the base of the unite to brew your cuppa, and stores the surplus." This is designed for outdoor use, but I can see how it's perfect for the lazy espresso fanatic who wants to do the grinding and extraction--while camped out in front of the television.

3. Heart Bean Coffee Grinder is a purchasable experiment designed by Adi Navwany, Michal Shamsian, Itamar Paloge, and Danielle Ram that grinds beans to the rhythm of one's heart beat. It was created as a way to connect--and we mean really connect, like in the umbilical cord-way--the coffee drinker to his coffee.

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