Controlling your impulse to over-herb

Cooking with herbs requires self-control: Add too much and you'll crush other flavors. Add too little (or none at all) and your dish will taste bland. So start with a little and then gradually increase the amount so that you achieve proper proportions. The tips below will help. And be sure to check out our visual guide to fresh herbs.


Stand tall

Choose herbs that are erect and can be held upright without limping or drooping. Leaves ought to be vibrantly colored and without brown spots, and their scent should be strong and fresh-smelling.

Store away

To help herbs last a few days longer, refrigerate them. Flat leaves or small stems can be gently wrapped in a damp paper towel and then sealed in a plastic bag. If you have larger quantities or for bigger herbs, like a bunch of basil, stand them upright in a glass filled with water before refrigerating.

The dry alternative

Try to use fresh herbs and not the dried versions, but if you do substitute dried herbs, the general rule of thumb is one teaspoon dried for one tablespoon chopped fresh.

The end

When using fresh herbs in a recipe, add them at the end so the heat doesn't destroy their flavor.

Photo by: Ian O'Leary/Getty Images


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