Do other people do this?: I finished my snacks before the movie even started

I ate all my popcorn before the movie started. And. It was not the first time.

Do lots of people do this?

I'm sure it partly depends on how hungry you are when that deceivingly light bag of popcorn or box of candies is placed in your hands. Unfortunately, I don't remember being ravenous this last time. As I rushed to claim seats and my Avatar goggles, my boyfriend split off towards the concessions. From a distance he asked if I wanted anything.

"I don't know," I shrugged.

(I couldn't have been too hungry, right?)

"What does that mean?," he yelled back nicely and from afar.

"Surprise me?," I called back.

I'm sure this is annoying girlfriend-speak. But I was racing to stake out seats in a sold-out showing, so there wasn't time to explain. I'll translate now. All I meant was, "Please get me something delicious and caloric that I'm not responsible for since you ordered it for me."

"Popcorn?," he yelled as we moved further apart.

Bulls-eye. Little did he know, popcorn is one of the worst film-house sins.

I threw my response the length of a baseball field: "Sure!"

I claimed two center seats and settled in with bulging silver goggles on top of my head as if I were doing a quick indoor errand in the next century. Soon, the attractive stubble-faced boyfriend returned, looking all the more fetching with a box of chocolates in one hand and a bag of popcorn and soda in the other. I casually took the red bag as he handed it to me. Then, not so casually at all, I chowed down. I made it two-inches in and decided to wait for the previews before I started removing another salty layer. My right hand didn't get the memo, because as we scoffed at the pre-preview movie quiz my hand kept putting the popped kernels in my mouth. I'd like to think I was feeding from a small-sized bag but it could easily have been a medium.

I was halfway through it when the previews seemed to be at the same point. By the time I saw my first big blue creature, I was already so over salt and corn that I considered never eating them again. The only thing I wanted by then was a mouth-shower of soda. Disappointed in myself for blowing my appetite so soon, I put the almost-empty popcorn bag under my chair. "Kind of a buzz-kill," I thought as I lowered the 3-D shades. And for an instant I actually asked myself this: "What will I do now?"

Here are some questions I have:

-Is a movie still a movie without food?

-Do you start snacking during the previews or do you wait for the feature to start?

-What did you eat when you saw Avatar?

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