How to Eat for Your Food Personality

Find out what your food cravings can predict about your behavior.
Find out what your food cravings can predict about your behavior.

Which do you crave more: fruits or vegetables? Most of the population falls into one of these categories, easily spotted by whether you prefer savory or sweet. Which are you? Take the quiz.

Vegetable lovers

Like: Bitter flavors and are more likely to try new things.

Habits: Veggie lovers would take a glass of red wine over dessert.

Interesting qualities: These people like to entertain and try new things. They are more likely to have dinner parties and cook nutritious meals.

Fruit lovers

Like: Sweeter foods.

Habits: They are more likely to take a look at the dessert menu.

Interesting qualities: Fruit types tend to eat foods that take less time to prepare. They could actually have more sensitive taste receptors that make them detect a stronger bitterness in broccoli. (Our guess is the scientist that discovered this just didn't want to eat his vegetables.)

Either of these preferences is healthy overall since vegetables and fruits contain many of the same vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, Beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium and folate. However, cruciferous vegetables from the cabbage and broccoli family contain anti-cancer compounds that both types need. Sorry, friends of fruit, you have to eat your vegetables too! Here are some tips.

PLUS: 11 Biggest Red Flag Words on Packaged Foods

Food preparation tips for fruit types:

  • Fat will make bitter foods taste less bitter.

  • Sauté with olive oil over steaming.

  • A touch of sweet, salty, or sour can go a long way. Try maple syrup, soy sauce, or flavored vinegars.

  • Try fruit or sorbet for dessert and skip the fattening options.

Food preparation tips for vegetable types:

  • Try more bitter fruits such as grapefruit in salads.

  • Eat berries which are low in sugar and pair well with yogurt

  • Keep having a glass of wine for dessert. You're getting your resveratrol which is great for your health.

  • Also, be sure to frequently remind people that tomato is technically a fruit!


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