I Am Cupcake, Hear Me Roar

No longer hidden in the shadows of cake, the cupcake has emerged as the sophisticated petite treat of choice. Today even the daintiest cupcake is larger than life. Taking a tasty departure from my daily routine, MommyQ - a cupcake novice, explores the wild world of cupcakes.

Before this blog post, I thought cupcakes were just mini cakes born from tiny tins or shiny foil. According to Sprinkle Cupcakes, I couldn't be more wrong. "Let's be clear, they're not just pint-sized cakes. Cupcakes are something else entirely." Boy, do I feel foolish!

Cupcakes are more than a passion, they're an obsession. In fact, there are so many cupcake enthusiasts online it's hard to absorb every morsel. One of my favorite blogs is CupcakeRecipe where a UK-based cupcake aficionado blogs to "share my passion for cupcakes and cupcakes recipes. Art has been a passion in my life and I love to create art in cupcakes." I had never seen the words "passionate" and "cupcakes" used in the same sentence prior to discovering this blog. And MommyQ is not making fun. If CrazyCupcakes, as she calls herself, can create this monster-inspired cupcake, she is indeed an artist!

Speaking of artists, Cakespy spreads sweet joy with original artwork like Cupcake V. Pie. Which makes me think there must problems brewing between the cupcake and the muffin.

Another blog, CupcakesTakeTheCake, is "all cupcakes, all the time..." I had no idea there was breaking cupcake news 24/7. Wow! Could I be more out of touch? Seriously, they have over 1,200 fans on their Facebook page alone, which means hundreds (if not thousands) of people visit their blog weekly. ZenCupcake1 is a force to be reckoned with in the cupcake blogosphere and has a very entertaining site with lots of amazing cupcake pics and recipes. There's fashion news on this site too. Did you know cupcake is the new black? That being the case, I need to make some adjustments to my wardrobe.

Even in the frosted world of cupcakes, votes count. Nostalgia Cupcake won the first-ever Cupcake Contest in DC. That's the scoop according to 52Cupcakes. And in other news, mainstream cupcakes might be in for a battle since Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World is threatening "total cupcake domination." Yikes! Grab an extra oven mitt.