Italian Style Zucchini Crudo Vinaigrette Salad

Italian Style Zucchini Crudo Vinaigrette Salad

Italian Style Zucchini Crudo Vinaigrette Salad
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A refreshing side dish, perfect for summer, you'll be surprised how delicious this is!

Pulse in blender making a smooth vinaigrette, garlic, zest and juice of lemons, salt, honey and Tabasco. Turn blender on low and slowly drizzle in oil until well blended. Set aside.

Mandoline, I bought mine from World Market (love that store)

Slice ends off each side of the zucchini and squash then slice into paper-thin slices. Much easier and neater to use a mandolin e, if you have one, click on name to see the online store to purchase above).
In a bowl place and toss the squash and zucchini slices, add the pine nuts or almonds, and basil. Top with the fresh cut cubes of mozzarella. Sprinkle with some of the vinaigrette to taste, you can save the rest for another use.