Loaded (But Healthy) Salad Ideas

By Jennifer Leal for GalTime.com

Salads can be a great source of nutrition, especially if you combine food groups and skip the heavy dressings. They can also be a great way to create a meal and incorporate some items that you may not normally eat on their own. Below I present many options, so make your grocery list and eat a nutritionally loaded salad today!

*Lettuce: There are so many great choices out there so try them all individually or combine. I often mix baby spinach with other lettuces and arugula to add a spicy bite.

*Proteins: Incorporate a boiled, chopped egg, low-sodium turkey or ham, tofu, tempeh, baked fish or lean meats.

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*Cheese: Another great source of protein as long as you use reduced fat or apply sparingly. Some of my favorites are reduced fat cheddar and feta. Try goat or gorgonzola cheeses as an exciting way to add more complex flavors.

*Fruits: A fantastic way to make a salad more refreshing (orchard salad recipe) in the spring and summer when fresh, local produce is in abundance. Try mandarin oranges, cranberries, strawberries, apples, etc.

*Vegetables: The possibilities are endless: edamame, roasted sweet potatoes (marthas red leaf salad with roasted sweet potatoes) and varieties of onions.

*Nuts: Go crazy and experiment unless you are 0n a very restricted low fat diet. Consider roasting them to give a whole new flavor profile, especially pine nuts and almonds. Yum!

Related: Your Guide To Defensive Dining

*Dressing: Explore the amazing flavors and options out there but be sure to watch for the fat and sugar contents. One of my favorite things to do is sprinkle on some oil & vinegar or make your own dressing. Trust me; it is easy and quick to make them yourself. Try pomegranate or lemon-greek dressing.

Outside the container:

*Whole Grains: Quinoa, brown rice, bulgur and wheat berries to add fiber.

*Add beans or sprouts to add substance and to fill you up.

*Fresh herbs.

Jennifer Leal is a mother of two and the home cook behind the healthy food and family blog Savoring the Thyme

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