Onions and garlic: feasting on the stinky bulbs

Yes, eating onions and garlic can cause bad breath. But that doesn't stop us from feasting on these pungent bulbs. Delicious dishes like garlic mashed potatoes, onion tarts, and even savory drinks like this spring onion cocktail have widespread appeal. For related content, check out our visual guide to bulb vegetables.


Chill out

The greens of spring onions should be a vibrantly colored green and should be neither limp nor yellowing. The whole bulbs should be firm. And before placing them in the crisper drawer of your fridge, wrap them in paper towels and place them in a sealable plastic bag.

Kept in the dark

Choose onions that are firm and without bruises or mold. The onion's greatest environmental foes are humidity and exposure to light so keep them in dark, dry places like bins or pantries. Do not keep them in plastic bags where moisture can collect; moisture encourages mold as well as sprouting.

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Don't cry for me

If you cry while cutting onions, here are two tricks to try: 1) freeze them for a few minutes beforehand; 2) wear goggles. And if your hands retain that pungent odor after handling these vegetables, run your hands under cold water and then rub them against anything stainless-steel, such as the kitchen faucet or a piece of silverware.

Photo by: Sean Gallup/Getty Images


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