User post: Mexican Fried Churro's For Cinco De Mayo

Mexican Fried Churro's in Cinnamon Sugar

My husband called me at the last minute and said, we have a Mexican covered dish party tomorrow and I need something for work, do you have time to make something? Well, of course I just jumped at the chance, then went overboard. I made bean dip, mexican lasagna and then these Churro's for dessert. I really needed an excuse to use my new cookie/frosting tools I got online. I just love this tool. It makes all kinds of wonderful shaped cookies, and pipes out the perfect lines for all these fancy dessert style cookies. It runs by batteries. So out it came and I had to make these too.

I was amazed how simple these were to do now with this. I just pressed the button to the desired length and cut it off with a cooking scissors. Almost everyone came out perfect and the same length. I had so much fun.

The batter putting it together was like making cream puffs, if you have ever tried those. Because after you boil the first few ingredients together, you have to beat in the flour till it forms a dough, got to put some real muscle into it! Then you beat the eggs and the vanilla in. Fill your pastry bag or tool, or use a ziplock bag and snip off the end...and start to form.