Got a cold? Here’s how to avoid getting your kids sick, too

When mama’s feeling sick, it might seem like the end of the world. The laundry is piling up, lunch won’t make itself and good luck if one of your kids catches it.

In fact, one of the worst parts of getting sick is the threat of passing it on your little ones -- trying to care for their needs while also battling your own illness can be a mom's nightmare.

Here are a few things to remember so you can avoid passing on your cold or flu to your kids:

Also see: Mom-approved remedies for kids' colds and flu

Avoid sharing food and utensils

It might sound mean at first, but once you explain it to your kids, they’ll understand that you don’t want anyone else to get sick.

Wash those hands

The best way to prevent germs from spreading is to wash your hands -- often. Make sure you’re also teaching your little ones proper hand washing techniques. Health Canada recommends that it should take you at least 15 seconds, or the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday.”

Dispose of soiled tissues

It’s gross and we’ve all done it before, but you can’t leave piles of tissues on your bedside anymore. Can you imagine your kids running around and getting their hands in that? Yuck!

Also see: The worst thing to do when you're sick? Blow your nose

Skip cooking

If you can afford ordering in or your significant other can help out in the kitchen, you should try to avoid cooking so you can prevent spreading your cold or flu. And who actually wants to cook when they feel sick anyway? It might also be a great chance to give an older child some responsibility by helping to prepare a couple lunches.

Sneeze and cough like a vampire

Learn how to sneeze like Dracula – you will prevent germs from spreading across the room and won’t get them all over your hands either.


Do we sound like germaphobes? Well, it doesn’t hurt to be extra cautious if you’re sick! Disinfect counters, tabletops, handles and TV remotes.

Also see: Nature's most powerful flu-fighter

Limit close quarters

As much as you love hugging and kissing your little rug rats, you risk infecting them. We know it’s hard, but try to avoid getting too close when you're under the weather.