KRAFT Singles Cheese Chick

Prep Time:

10 min. | Makes: 1 serving.

What You Need

4 TRISCUIT Crackers
1 KRAFT Singles
1 baby carrot
2 raisins

Make It

crackers onto small plate.

USE 1-inch and 3-inch round cookie cutters to cut 1 each small and large circle from Singles. Place on crackers, with circles slightly overlapping, for the chick's body and head.

CUT 2 wings from trimmings with small oval cookie cutter; use paring knife to cut points in each wing to resemble feather tips. Place next to chick's body.

CUT 3 thin rounds from carrot. Cut a triangular beak from 1 round, and a pair of three-toed chick feet from remaining carrot rounds. Place at bottom of chick.

USE tip of toothpick to poke 2 holes in Singles for the chick's eyes; press raisin into each hole.

Family Fun: Take out the camera to snap a few pictures of you and your kids cooking together. Capture all those great memories you're making in the kitchen!