7 Myths About Scars You Shouldn't Believe

A cut needs time to breathe, so take off bandages at night to avoid scarring.
A cut needs time to breathe, so take off bandages at night to avoid scarring.

By Grace Gold, Everyday Health

Whether you're faced with an acne scar or stretch marks, you've probably reached for the cocoa butter or vitamin E - or just given up hope that you can treat these blemishes. But common knowledge about scar treatment and prevention is mostly outdated and sometimes downright wrong. We asked top dermatologists to set the record straight and share the truth about scar treatment.

Myth: Any Change in Skin Is a Scar

The word "scar" is often misused to describe a change in skin color, but a scar has characteristics that go beyond a difference in pigmentation. "A scar occurs when the texture of skin changes," explained Doris Day, MD, a clinical assistant professor of dermatology at New York University Langone Medical Center. "If you can run your fingers over the skin, and feel a raised or sunken texture, that's a scar."

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Most commonly, people mistake the discoloration left in the wake of acne breakouts as scarring, when in fact it's simply deeper pigmentation that can be lightened with products that contain ingredients like hydroquinone, kojic acid, and retinol.

Diligent moisturization and protection from the sun can help scars improve somewhat on their own by allowing skin to regenerate, but a genuine scar usually requires professional treatment to bring about any significant difference, Dr. Day said.

Myth: Keeping Cuts Covered Prevents a Scar

While a fresh cut may have you reaching for a bandage to help it heal and prevent a new scar, that's not the best approach. "Cuts need to breathe to heal properly," Day explained. When first treating a cut, use an antiseptic like hydrogen peroxide to disinfect it. Then cover it with a bandage during the day to prevent abrasions and exposure to the sun, and remove the bandage at night so the injury can breathe.

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"Continually applying antibacterials like Neosporin breaks down collagen and interferes with healing," Day said. "All you need after the first disinfection is soap and water to keep the cut clean." Instead apply Vaseline or Aquaphor to keep the cut moist, which also helps prevent a scar.

Myth: You Need to Wait Before Treating a Scar

"There is a huge misperception that you have to wait to treat a scar - that thinking is outdated," said Elizabeth Tanzi, MD, the codirector of the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery in Washington, D.C. "The best time to treat a scar is within a month of getting it."

Fortunately, there are numerous options today, ranging from lasers to chemical peels and fillers, that can soften the look of different types of scars. Larger, crater-shaped scars are sometimes minimized with a small incision that a doctor then stitches together to close. "Although new scars always respond best, it's never too late to see some improvement after treatment," Dr. Tanzi said.

Myth: Only Weight Gain Causes Stretch Marks

Yes, weight fluctuation is the primary cause of stretch marks, but it's not the only one. Those telltale silvery stripes form whenever growth outpaces the accompanying creation of skin cells. Think of a growth spurt in adolescence - in such cases, white marks typically cover areas like the hips, breasts, and underarms.

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If stretch marks are caught when still red, diligent use of a prescription retinoid cream can diminish their appearance by speeding cell turnover. However, the standard for treatment today is to use a laser, which stimulates healing of the skin by kicking up collagen production, Day said. The popular V-Beam laser costs $200 to $350 per session; it requires an average of five to six treatments to show results. If your pockets don't run that deep, take consolation in this fact: Ninety-nine percent of women have stretch marks, according to Day. At least we're all in good company.

Myth: White Scars Are Beyond Help

Breathe a sigh of relief with this one: Once a red or pigmented scar turns white, you're not doomed to have that white mark unchanged forever. "Once a scar becomes white," Day said, "it's true that you're probably not ever going to have it 100 percent disappear, but you can still make it look significantly better."

While lasers can sometimes help hypopigmented scars appear less pearlescent, Day said the best route is to seek out a certified tattoo technician, who can work directly on the scar to imprint a shade that closely matches your skin tone. "It may not be an absolutely perfect match," she said, "but it will greatly reduce the color discrepancy that makes the scar noticeable in the first place." Color-treated scars won't tan like the rest of your skin, but the permanent pigment will still look less obvious than the original white scar.

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You can also consult a makeup artist who carries Dermablend cosmetics.The line contains highly pigmented ingredients that cover scars, tattoos, and uneven pigment.

Myth: Moisturizing With Cocoa Butter and Vitamin E Prevents Scars

Your mother (and your mother's mother) may have told you that the best way to ensure scar-free skin is to layer on bucket loads of cocoa butter and vitamin E. However, there is no medical proof that these substances actually work. "Vitamin E and cocoa butter are actually of no use," Tanzi said.

But what about all those firsthand testimonials about the power of cocoa butter to prevent dreaded pregnancy stretch marks? Day conceded, "It may work by providing deep moisturization and 'slip' to skin so it can stretch further than it otherwise would, to prevent stretch marks from forming." So the real key is to moisturize if you want to prevent stretch marks. "A simple application of Vaseline or Aquaphor is all you need to keep skin moist," Tanzi said.

Myth: You Can't Treat Raised Scars at Home

All hope is not lost when it comes to raised scars, such as those left at the sites of surgery incisions. Over-the-counter treatments like silicone sheets - a version of the same treatment used in hospitals - can improve raised scars.

Look for ScarAway Silicone Scar Sheets, which work by coating the scar in a layer of silicone that is breathable, flexible, and water resistant. "There's no universal agreement on how it works," Day said, "but I think it provides gentle pressure to limit scar growth, which flattens the mark." You can begin using silicone sheets as soon as an injury has closed completely.


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This article originally appeared on EverydayHealth.com: 7 Myths About Scars You Shouldn't Believe