How to Burn 700 Calories Doing Everyday Chores

Household duties such as vacuuming, washing the car, or grocery shopping, may not be fun, but they can help you reach your fitness goals! We used WebMD's calorie-burning calculator to estimate how many calories a 150-pound person would burn doing these and other everyday chores and the results were a staggering 700 calories! That's more than enough to make you think twice about putting off until tomorrow what you can do today! See how many calories each of the following duties burns and feel twice as good when you accomplish them.

Vacuuming for 30 minutes
Calories Burned: 119
It's no wonder that vacuuming burns calories as it actually mimics common training moves such as lunges and arm weights. You can turn this chore into a mini-workout by performing a lunge with each push and alternating which arm you use. Before you know it you'll feel the burn in your thighs, biceps and triceps and your carpet will look stunning, too!

Shopping for one hour

Calories Burned: 157
We didn't need a calorie calculator to tell us that shopping can get our heart-rates up, but it's been confirmed: Browsing the aisles, running errands, or pushing a shopping cart can burn up to 157 calories per hour. You can push this already heart-pumping duty into overdrive by choosing the stairs instead of the escalator and parking your car on the far end of parking lot. In fact, if you walk up stairs for a total of ten minutes during the day, you can say goodbye to an additional 170 calories!

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Bathing the dog for 20 minutes

Calories Burned: 80
Your furry friend might not be thrilled that you have extra reason to get him in the bath, but skipping the dog groomer can leave you 80 calories lighter (and save you some cash too). You can make up for the additional baths by taking the dog on more frequent, longer walks-just a 30 minute stroll will burn an additional 102 calories!

Cooking for one hour

Calories Burned: 136
Now there's even more incentive to skip the restaurant or drive-through! Chopping, sautéing, stirring, and mixing don't just yield delicious results; slaving over a stove can also help you lose weight!

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Washing the car for 30 minutes

Calories Burned: 102
Why shell out the money for a professional wash when you could use a dirty car as an excuse to work off an additional 100 calories? If waxing Mr. Miyagi's car worked for the Karate Kid as part of his training, it can for you too!

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