5 Tips to Make the Most of Your Ab Exercises

A strong and toned abdomen is a typical goal of a fitness program. Your core -- the abdomen and lower back muscles -- supports your spine and prevents low back problems which affect 80 percent of Americans. There are numerous products promising maximum results and a six-pack abdominal section for minimal effort. Most do not live up to their promises. Exercise and proper nutrition will strengthen abdominal muscles and reduce excess body fat for a toned look and improved appearance. Results are based on effort, proper information and, most of all, consistency and patience.


Your abdominal muscle group consists of three primary muscles. Your rectus abdominis contracts to flex, or bend, your spine. The side obliques bend your spine to the side and rotate your torso. Your transverse abdominis contracts to compress your abdomen and stabilize your torso. Your abdominal muscles work opposite of your lower back muscles for movement and work together to provide spinal support. Effective abdominal workouts should include exercises for all muscles and movements.

LIVESTRONG.COM Video: How to Do Twisting Oblique Crunches


Your abdominal muscles exert force to overcome movements using your bodyweight or gravity as resistance. Abdominal exercises consist of movements such as lifting your upper body to target your rectus abdominis muscle. Exercises in which you rotate your shoulders while keeping your hips stationary or rotate your hips while keeping your shoulders stationary work your side obliques. Exercises in which you lift or crunch your lower body and hips up towards your ribs target your transverse abdominis. Your abdomen also works as a stabilizer when you contract your abdomen to keep your body straight while part of your body is airborne. The key to effective exercising is to master proper exercise technique with all movements.

Time Frame

There is no shortcut to achieving an improved abdominal appearance. Proper exercise progression is necessary starting with beginner-level exercises. It is important to establish a mind-body connection to understand the role of the muscle in the exercise. After mastering proper exercise technique, progression through increased repetitions will result in strength and endurance gains. A goal of 20 repetitions for each exercise is suggested. Three to four workouts of 20 minutes is suggested on a weekly basis. After 8 to 12 weeks, noticeable results and progress should be achieved


While abdominal muscles can be strengthened through callisthenic-type exercises such as crunches and leg lifts, results will not include reduced body fat. You cannot crunch your way to a flattened abdomen. Cardio training is essential for burning calories and achieving caloric imbalance, or burning more calories than you consume. In addition, proper nutrition must be added to programs with the goal of reducing abdominal size.

LIVESTRONG.COM: Related How to Get Six Pack Abs with Fitness


Be aware of supplements that promise increased weight loss or fat loss. Products may contain ingredients that act as a stimulant or a diuretic which can have harmful effects on your body. First-time exercisers should consult a physician prior to starting a workout program.

By Luann Voza


  • Ab Secrets

  • "Stronger Abs and Back"; Dean Brittenham and Greg Brittenham; 1997

  • Spine Health: Back Exercises and Abdominal Exercise Recommendations

  • Abdominal Tips: 7 Myths About Abs

  • MayoClinic.com: Over-the-Counter Weight Loss Pills: Do They Work?

5 Tips to Make the Most of Your Ab Exercises courtesy of LIVESTRONG.COM