Fiber-Rich Foods: Summer's Quicker Tummy Tucker [video]



Warm weather is finally here, so it's time to say goodbye to bulky layers- and the extra pounds that have been hiding behind them. Dreading the thought of baring your beach body this summer? For a flat stomach, healthy glowing skin, and improved energy the solution is simple: up your fiber intake! The ADA recommends 25-35g of fiber per day for women and 38g per day for men. However, the average person is only getting 9-11g a day! The absence of fiber in Americans' diets is a major risk factor for weight gain.

The simplest, most effective yet overlooked strategy for quick summer slimming is to eat more foods that are naturally high in fiber. High-fiber foods have a low caloric density, which means you can eat a lot while consuming relatively few calories. Dietary fiber also quiets between-meal hunger and sugar cravings. That's because fiber-dense foods slow the absorption of sugars into the bloodstream after eating. A recent study found that people who doubled their fiber intake from 12 to 24 grams per day cut their calorie absorption by 90 calories daily. That's a 9.4lb weight loss in a year!

Fiber acts like a sponge in your digestive tract, absorbing other molecules like carbohydrates, fats, and sugars-along with all their calories-and preventing them from settling on your hips. In addition, fiber contributes bulk to foods, which gives you the satisfaction of chewing, plus the feeling of a full stomach, without adding any calories. Since fiber-rich foods take longer to digest you feel fuller longer, and as a result tend to eat less throughout the day, which makes weight loss easy to achieve. Ready to try summer's quicker tummy tucker? Look your best this bathing suit season by adding these delicious high fiber choices to your daily diet:

Reach for berries (instead of a banana):
A cup of raspberries contains a whopping 8g of fiber compared to a banana's 1g of fiber and carbohydrate punch equal to a whole white potato.

High-fiber cereal:
Whole-grain cereals vary widely in terms of dietary fiber so compare brands.
F-Factor Cereals pack the most fiber with 15-18g per-1/2 cup serving -up to 72% of your daily fiber needs. Buy Tanya Zuckerbrot's Health Valley F-Factor High Fiber Skinny Cereal, (Pack of 6 boxes), $30

High-fiber bars: Most so-called health bars are basically glorified candy packed with calories and fat. A high fiber bar will help keep you full, without wreaking havoc on your waistline.
F-Factor Bars pack 12g fiber, 50% of your needs in one bar! Buy Tanya Zuckerbrot's Health Valley F-Factor Cinnamon Apple Bar, (Pack of 6 boxes), $35

Pistachios: Pistachios are the highest fiber nut (3g per ounce). Plus you get more nuts per ounce, one serving of pistachios is 49 nuts versus only 23 almonds and 18 cashews.

Whole wheat bread: Choose 100% whole-grain bread that has at least 5 grams of fiber. Whole-wheat bread contains twice the fiber and almost half the calories of its all-white counterpart! Watch PageDaily Exclusive Interview with Tanya Zuckerbrot