3 Fast Ways To Boost Your Metabolism

Try these sure-fire diet boosters...
It's no secret that the key to successful weight-loss and healthy weight maintenance is to keep that metabolism revving, fueled by energy and nutrition-rich foods, dietary supplements and an active lifestyle. And, "a little strategy can go a long way toward keeping a diet and weight-loss initiative on track - particularly when the going gets tough," notes Dr. Britta Zimmer, chief health officer at nutrition supplement purveyor GoodElements.com.

Follow these steps to kick your metabolism into high gear and keep those temptations in check:

1. Eat thermogenic foods daily: Foods with natural fat burning properties, such as cayenne, ginger, mustard seeds, cumin seeds, cinnamon, green tea, hot peppers, citrus fruits (especially lemon), and apple cider vinegar, can really help take - and keep - those pounds off when eaten on a regular daily basis.

2. Optimize your digestion: Break down your food properly and more efficiently so your cells may best utilize the nutrients. Chew well, take apple cider vinegar before each meal, eat in a relaxed setting and breathe while you eat.

3. Drink green tea: By steeping one green tea bag in 6-8 oz of piping hot water you create nature's most perfect energy producing health-restoring beverage! Studies show that the catechins, a type of polyphenol, found in green tea assists in burning fat.



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