6-Step Homemade Popsicles to Soothe Your Teething Baby

My baby girl is breaking teeth like nobody's business over here. For the most part, she's a brave little girl and is handling it all quite well. As far as teething remedies go we opt to take the natural route, which has suited her just fine. Although, there are some days (or nights) that all we can do is hold her and soothe her to the best of our ability. Teeth poppin' can be nasty business. Which means constant drooling, slobbering and the gnawing of any and all random objects. Summer may be winding down, but around here we are firm believers of frozen treats year round. Especially since they are so soothing on little Abby's sore and fiery gums. They have the ability to magically turn my runny nosed, teary teething baby into a quiet, busy popsicle eater/gnawer. A brief reprieve for all involved. This is how I whip up a batch of healthy frozen yogurt treats for teething babies and panting toddlers (yes, my toddler pants like a dog for any and all frozen treats). - By Selena Burgess

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