7 Power Foods to Fuel Busy Moms

7 Power Foods to Fuel Busy Moms
7 Power Foods to Fuel Busy Moms

Let's face it, being a mom and being busy are synonymous. There are babies to feed, diapers to change, laundry to fold … the list sometimes seems never ending. When this happens, it is likely that feeding yourself tends to fall by the wayside - or at least that's what happened to me. For the first three months of Fern's life I pretty much subsisted on string cheese and granola bars. I was a bit overwhelmed and feeding myself always seemed to fall to the end of my to-do list. There are many reasons why this was a problem: 1) Inadequate nutrition while nursing can decrease milk supply in addition to not providing babies with all the nutrients that their growing bodies need, 2) Inadequate nutrition leaves you tired, cranky and unable to take on the challenges that new parenthood (or really any stage of parenthood) requires, 3) Inadequate nutrition is not going to help you lose that baby weight. Our bodies need a balanced diet and if we're not eating enough food they go into starvation mode and desperately cling to fat. So, for all you busy moms out there, what to eat? Here are my top 7 suggestions of power foods to fuel busy moms.


1. Eggs
Eggs are my absolute go-to food. It takes literally two minutes to scramble some up for breakfast and I can throw in some extras for flavor and fuel like spinach, ground flax, cheese, tomatoes, etc … I can also hard boil a bunch at the beginning of the week after my baby goes to bed and I've got instant grab-and-go snacks available for the week.

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2. Fruit
Fruit is not only delicious, but can also be very filling. I choose more dense fruits for when I'm hungry enough for a meal, but won't be able to make a full meal happen any time soon (think: crying baby). Oranges and bananas are my good options for this scenario. Any fruit is a good option though, and pre-slicing fruit earlier in the week is a good way to ensure that it actually gets eaten.


3. Vegetables
Pre-cut veggies are one "convenience food" that I don't mind buying if I'm not buying a bunch of other pre-packaged, processed foods. Baby carrots, big bags of spinach and pre-cut broccoli are all great, easy options. You're much more likely to eat a salad when there isn't any prep involved!

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4. Hummus
This is a great option to get a bit more protein in your day and makes eating your vegetables a bit more palatable if you're not a fan of veggies.


5. Oatmeal
I am particularly fond of steel cut oats for their great texture and the nutritional punch that they pack. You can even find quick-cooking varieties that cook in 5-7 minutes. If you don't think you can find 5-7 minutes to cook oatmeal in the morning you can always prepare a big pot of it ahead of time to portion out and heat up throughout the week.

Greek Yogurt
Greek Yogurt

6. Greek Yogurt
I love all yogurt, but the Greek variety has the most protein as well as a nice, creamy texture that leaves me feeling full and satisfied. I like to throw in some berries or banana and a bit of flaxseed meal as well.

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Flaxseed Meal
Flaxseed Meal

7. Flaxseed Meal
A quick and easy way to sneak in some extra Omega-3s into your day. Just sprinkle it on some of the foods you're already eating.

- By Lauren Hartmann
Follow Lauren on Disney Baby

For 3 more power foods to fuel busy moms, visit Babble!


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