7 Things Kids Need to See You Do

7 Things Kids Need to See You Do...
7 Things Kids Need to See You Do...

If the fact that children learn by example freaks you out a little, join the club.

As a habitual yeller and freaker-outer in times of high stress, I've come to realize that I'm a little lazy in the "leading by example" department. Seeing my kids freak out over stupid crap just like their mama reminds me how far I have yet to go.

That's not to say I suck entirely. Just the other day while driving, I pulled over for a screaming ambulance and said a prayer. When BooBoo asked who I was talking to, I told him I was asking God to protect the person who needed help. When he asked why, I told him it was just something I've always done. When someone, anyone needs help, I send a prayer; it's my thing. My son loved the idea and has since been sending his own little prayers for people, animals, bugs - anyone who needs help. So while maybe my kid picked up ugly yelly habits from me, it's comforting to know he's also picking up the good stuff.

Related: 25 things every kid should experience

All this got me thinking about the positive things our kids pick up from us naturally. If we allow our kids catch us in the act of doing these simple things, we're sure to make a lasting and positive impression. Now who's with me?

Talking positively about them
Talking positively about them

1. Talking positively about them

We never know when little ears are listening. Let's be sure to share all the wonderful things our kids are up to whenever possible. When we look on the bright side, the bright side shines brighter.

Fighting fair
Fighting fair

2. Fighting fair

It's only natural for mom and dad to disagree sometimes. Let's remember to keep cool and fight fair when an argument strikes. Our children are learning about love, anger management, and conflict resolution from us. No pressure or anything.

Related: The 10 biggest lies we tell our kids

Making up
Making up

3. Making up

It's not unusual for parents to fight in front of the kids and make up behind closed doors. It serves our children well to witness apologies and G-rated make up sessions.

Being kind
Being kind

4. Being kind

Offering a smile, showing respect, and helping a stranger may seem like little things but they teach big lessons.

Related: 10 simple ways kids show they love us

Building people up
Building people up

5. Building people up

Checking in on a friend, sending flowers, leaving an encouraging note, or offering a simple compliment show just how much we value the people we love. Beautiful gestures such as these won't go unnoticed.

Telling the truth
Telling the truth

6. Telling the truth (even when it's hard)

It's so easy to spin a web of white lies under the watchful eye of our children. It's a powerful lesson to allow them to see us struggle with telling the truth in spite of the consequences. Chances are, they'll grow to do the same.

Advocating for a cause
Advocating for a cause

7. Advocating for a cause

We all have causes that are close to our hearts. Get involved and allow your passion for compassion to be contagious!

- By Lori Garcia
Follow Lori on Babble

For 5 more things your kids need to see you do, visit Babble!


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