8 Ways to Recharge Your Batteries

8 Ways to Recharge Your Parenting Batteries
8 Ways to Recharge Your Parenting Batteries

With such demanding lives it is important to find ways to recharge so that we don't get burnt out. Finding ways to take a little time for yourself will make you happier and will make your family happier.

Here are 8 ways you can recharge your "batteries"…

1. Schedule yourself in
Just as you would schedule in a time to have coffee with a friend or a time to go to the gym, schedule in time for yourself. Use your time however you like - it can be used for something big or something small, but simply making yourself a priority is the first step.

2. Get away for a short time
Go to coffee, have a girl's night, or even just take 30 minutes to have some iced tea on your back porch in the summer time. A simple change in scenery and time to take a deep breath can do wonders for your attitude toward parenting.

3. Get away for a bit longer
If you can swing it, send your little ones over to the grandparent's or a good friend's house for the evening and just enjoy the peace and quiet of your own home. You don't even have to do anything exciting. Maybe just order take out and watch a movie, but it will be wonderful nonetheless and by the time your littles return you'll probably even miss them!

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4. Do something novel
Take a new class at the gym, or try a new shade of lipstick, rock a pair of heeled ankle booties - trying something new can be fun and can inject life into a daily routine that has become stale. Especially if you are a stay-at-home parent, it can be easy to fall into a rut of doing the exact same things day after day. A little bit of novelty will go a long way.

5. Do something to pamper yourself
Treat yourself to a spa day or even just give yourself an at-home manicure, but whatever it is, make sure it is something that leaves you feeling truly pampered.

6. Treat yourself
Buy that bag you've been eyeing or have a scoop of triple fudge chunk ice cream, whatever it may be, so long as it feels fun and special.

7. Don't be afraid to say "No"
I am the queen of overcommitment and have such a hard time saying no to people, but it often leaves me feeling overextended and exhausted. Lately I've been learning to say no and it's made a big difference in my entire outlook on life. Less stress = a happier parent.

8. Try out role reversal
Are you usual the meal planner while your partner is on dish duty? It's easy to fall into certain roles and over time grow to get burnt out with the tasks we've taken on. Something as simple as switching up your day to day chores can liven things up and give you a fresh perspective.

- By Lauren Hartmann

For 2 more ways to recharge your batteries, visit Babble!

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