Easy Habits for a Beautiful, Healthy Smile

Having a nice smile is more than about appearances - it's also about being healthy and having the confidence to take on life's challenges. The hectic nature of the average family's day-to-day routine can put oral health on the back burner.

Maintaining a beautiful, healthy smile does not have to be time-consuming or costly. By following these easy habits, you and your family can enjoy the self-assurance and fortitude associated with a sparkly, confident smile.

Make it a family affair. Regular brushing is essential to preserving those pearly whites. Getting yourself and your kids into the habit is as easy as establishing a collective routine. Each morning before leaving the house for the day and each night before bed, make a point to stop what you're doing and brush together. By organizing a consistent habit and working together to be sure you stick with it, you and your family will secure the foundation to a healthy smile.

Use fun equipment to engage your kids. Dental health doesn't have to be boring. There are plenty of engaging tools on the market, from brushes dedicated to kids' favorite television characters to good-tasting toothpaste. Get your children excited about making their mouth care a priority by investing in some of these kid-friendly items.

Educate yourselves. Children's books and TV shows are a great way to introduce your kids to the importance of oral health care and its benefits. Make it a point to sit down with your kids to read or watch a program about taking care of their teeth, and follow up these sessions with discussions about when and why they should brush, floss, and visit the dentist. Talking about the topic together not only affords you some quality time as a family, but it also reinforces the necessity of a good oral health care routine.

Get into the habit of healthy snacking. It's no secret foods and drinks loaded with sugar are bad for one's teeth and overall health. Ditch the cookies and chips in favor of apples and carrots, and talk with kids about why crunchy, low-sugar snacks are better for their smiles and overall heath than the alternative.

Look forward to trips to the dentist. Many children and adults alike dread the thought of visiting the dentist, making putting it off easier and more detrimental to one's smile. Removing the stigma associated with it will make getting those regular check-ups less terrifying. Ask your dentist if you and your family can set up an appointment to get acclimated with the office before having to launch into a full cleaning routine. Once you're ready for the real deal, reward yourselves for going by setting aside time for a family game or movie night to celebrate your dedication to your health. Making positive associations with the dentist is the first step toward looking forward to going.

Maintaining a beautiful, healthy smile is important to your family's overall health as well as your self-confidence to pursue life's daily obstacles. By following these easy habits for a beautiful, healthy smile, you and your family will soon be basking in the benefits of good oral health.

Content by Laura Sauer.