Easy Ways to Burn 100 Calories in 10 Minutes

Source: Easy Ways to Burn 100 Calories in 10 Minutes

Relaxing during the holidays is exactly what you should be doing to de-stress after a hectic month, but that doesn't mean you have to stake a 24-hour claim on the couch. Here are five ways to get more bang for your buck and burn 100 calories in 10 minutes, so you can get on with the relaxing without the guilt.

  • Jump for it: Grab your jump rope, set your watch, and go; 10 minutes of jump roping burns 98 calories.

  • Run a mile: Need to get away? Lace up your sneaks and go for a mile-long run; running at a six-miles-per-hour pace burns 98 calories.

  • Go for a ride: If you're lucky enough to live somewhere where the roads aren't icy, go for a brisk bike ride; cycling at a pace of 14 to 16 miles per hour will burn 104 calories in 10 minutes.

  • Home gym: That elliptical you bought last January gathering dust? Hop on for 10 minutes and burn 112 calories.

  • High-impact aerobics: A vigorous 10-minute cardio and strength-training workout will burn 104 calories. Try one of our 10-minute Class FitSugar sessions, which use little or no equipment, like this 10-minute full-body Victoria's Secret workout, this high-energy bootcamp workout, or this 10-minute metabolism-boosting workout with weights.

*Calorie counts are based on a 130-pound woman.

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