"Luxurious Hearses"

So this is so interesting. This story, "Luxurious Hearses" in Say You're One of Them, is the longest story in the book, and believe me, you are going to be tempted to end this story because it is like being on that frickin' bus, let me tell ya. After a while, you just want to get off the bus, and there are so many crazy people on the bus you're like, "Okay, can the bus get moving already?"

But really as you continue to read, you understand that story is so much deeper than that…it's about the conflicts and prejudices that we all hold against each other, the way we define ourselves and define other people and judge other people. And the fact that you have this Muslim boy who's trying to hide that he is Muslim on this bus of all Christians, and what happens when the Christian people discover that he is Muslim is shocking.

Now, originally when I read this story I thought that this is why the book is called Say You're One of Them, and you will probably be tempted to say the same thing, but just keep reading, keep reading. Like I said when I first introduced this book that every story left me gasping, the ending is a gasper. It's a stunner, just a stunner.

Find out more about "Say You're One of Them" and Oprah's Book Club on oprah.com.