10 Best Back-to-School Books

Whether your kids are heading off to school for the very first time or are old pros at navigating lockers and homework assignments, the books on this list are bound to entertain (and maybe even reassure) them. Need help managing first-day-of-school jitters? No problem. Need entertaining back-to-school books? Check out our reviews of books featuring spy schools and other imaginative institutions. Happy reading!

The New Bear at SchoolThis cuddly bear tale explores fitting in at a new school.
Boris is a very big, very furry, very scary-looking grizzly bear and so he has a tough time making friends. Things are made worse when he makes several blunders on his first day of school -- breaking a chair, tearing a book, and accidentally scaring his classmates. Will they be able to see past his appearance to the lovable bear who lies underneath? When the school bullies arrive on the playground, Boris gets the opportunity to redeem himself in the eyes of his classmates.

Off to First Grade
Kids from A to Z get ready for first grade fun.
Presented alphabetically, 23 different kids, as well as their teacher Mrs. Miller, the principal Mr. Zimmerman, and even the bus driver Xavier, share thoughts, worries, and plans as they get ready for the first day of first grade. Some are excited, others worried, and others are just taking it in stride.

Alvin Ho: Allergic to Girls, School, and Other Scary Things
Gentle, humorous story of fearful boy.
Alvin is afraid of lots of things: the dark, wasabi, elevators, kimchi, bridges -- but most especially school. He is so terrified by school that he has never been able to say a word there. This is especially surprising because he comes "from a long line of farmer-warriors who haven't had a scaredy bone in their bodies since 714 AD." Because of this fear he has no friends. There is a girl who is nice to him, but he's scared of girls too. But he's trying to learn to be a gentleman, just like his dad. Includes Alvin's humorous glossary.

See the full list of Back-to-School favorites