6 Ways to Keep Your Lungs Strong and Healthy


By Anne Harding

If you take good care of your lungs, they can last a lifetime. "The lungs are very durable if they're not attacked from the outside," says Norman H. Edelman, MD, chief medical officer of the American Lung Association (ALA). With a few exceptions, your lungs don't get into trouble unless you get them into trouble, he says.

However, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the fourth-leading cause of death in the U.S. after heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Here are 12 things you can do to keep your lungs healthy as you age.

Health.com: 10 myths and facts about COPD

Don't smoke...anything
Smoking is, hands down, the worst thing you can do to your lungs on a regular basis.

There's no safe threshold when it comes to smoking, Dr. Edelman says; the more you smoke, the greater your risk of lung cancer and COPD, which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Secondhand smoke is harmful, too, and there's mounting evidence that even thirdhand smoke-or just being in an environment where people have smoked-is dangerous.

It's not enough to skip only cigarettes. Pipes, cigars, or marijuana can harm lungs too.

Health.com: 10 creative ways smokers finally kicked the habit

Fight for clean air
While U.S. air is cleaner than in the past, more than 154 million Americans still live in areas where air pollution is a threat to health, according to the ALA's annual State of the Air report.

"Air pollution can not only make diseases like COPD and asthma worse, [but] it can also kill people," Dr. Edelman says. You can make a difference by supporting clean air laws and opposing efforts to cut regulation.

On the individual level, cut your electricity use, drive less, and avoid burning wood or trash.

Exercise more
Exercise in itself won't make your lungs stronger, Dr. Edelman says, but it will help you get more out of them.

The better your cardiorespiratory fitness, the easier it is for your lungs to keep your heart and muscles supplied with oxygen. Regular exercise is particularly important if you have chronic lung disease; your lungs need all the help they can get.

If cold air triggers your asthma symptoms, use a scarf or face mask to warm the air before it hits your lungs.

Health.com: Why belly fat is bad for your lungs, and why exercise can help

Beware of outdoor air pollution
In some areas, especially in the summer, ozone and other pollutants can make working out or even spending time outdoors an unhealthy proposition.

People with a lung disease are particularly sensitive to air pollution. The U.S. government's AIRNow web site, provides up-to-date information on air quality, as well as an explanation of Air Quality Index (AQI) numbers.

Sign up for EnviroFlash, email alerts on your local air quality.

Improve indoor air
Air pollution isn't just an outdoor problem. There are a number of indoor sources, including fireplaces and wood-burning stoves, mold, pet dander, construction materials, and even air fresheners and some candles.

The Environmental Protection Agency recommends a three-pronged approach: Eliminate sources, improve ventilation, and use air cleaners.

Health.com: How to buy the right air cleaner

Air cleaners remove particulate matter, but won't impact gases. For more info, check the EPA's Indoor Air Quality website.

Eat right
There is evidence that antioxidant-rich foods are good for your lungs. (Research suggests it has to be food, not supplements.)

A 2010 study found that people who consumed the most cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, bok choy, kale, and more) had almost half the risk of lung cancer compared to those who consumed the least.

"All those nice, leafy green vegetables that have lots of antioxidants do seem to have a protective effect," says Dr. Edelman.

Keep reading: Health.com: 6 More Ways to Keep Your Lungs Strong and Healthy