7 Ways Guys Try, But Fail, To Impress Girls

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The best thing a guy can do to try and impress a girl is to not try at all. But how many guys do you really know that follow this rule? Instead of being confident enough to let their true personality shine, most guys let their insecurities get the best of them. They end up over compensating, trying all sorts of unnecessary tactics to get a girl's attention. Well, I have news for you: those attempts are incredibly misguided and will usually get you nowhere. Fellas, here are few things that just don't work to impress us...

Playing guitar
If you're genuinely into the guitar and you're a musically-incline individual, then by all means, play away. But if you picked up the guitar or joined a band because you thought girls would be into it, then think again. Sorry to break it to you, but we got over the "he's so hot and plays the guitar" phase somewhere around tenth grade.

Drinking too much
We get it - you're a boy, you can drink a lot. There's really no need to demonstrate by ripping 10 tequila shots before you even make it to the bar. Best case scenario: you only say a few remotely embarrassing things before you end up passing out safely in your own bed (alone) at the end of the night. Worst case scenario: we're holding you up and cleaning up your puke at the end of the night.

Constantly being shirtless
First of all, why is it that the guys who seem to be the most apposed to wearing shirts are the ones who really need to cover up the most? My general philosophy in life is, "if you've got it, flaunt it." So, by all means, if you're at the beach, pool or even playing a shirts vs. skins game of basketball, then feel free. But other than that, you really shouldn't feel the need to undress anytime a female enters a room. Leave something to the imagination...

Lying to impress the opposite sex is nothing new - both guys and girls are guilty of it. But fellas, you could take a couple of lessons from us on the art of lying to impress. Lesson #1: there's a difference between lying and bending the truth. It's ok to embellish a story, as long as it's harmless and you can hold it up. But when you start making up huge, ridiculous stories to sound like "the man," things can get sticky fast. Chances are, a mutual friend, if not you, will probably let your secret slip at some point.

Wrestling with each other
I've never understood, nor will I ever understand, why guys choose to fight in front of girls, even when it's just for fun. It's a weird, barbaric ritual to try and prove your strength, but really it just makes us uncomfortable and makes you look immature.

Purposefully being a douche bag
You think it's impressive to act like a douche bag because you've heard girls say it a million times: "we have a thing for bad guys." That being said, we're not totally innocent here, but when I know you're a genuinely good guy who's just trying to be an ass to seem "cool," then you just come off looking incredibly insecure.

Talking about how hard you workout
We appreciate that you work hard to stay in shape, but it's just odd to constantly talk about it. Instead of telling us how much you can bench press, why don't you just let your good physique be the proof?

John Mayer Photo: ADMEDIA/SIPA

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