A Food Lover's Guide to the Last Days of Summer

For me, enjoying summer is spending time at the beach, going to cookouts and hitting the ice cream shop frequently. As a food lover myself, I think the happiness of summertime comes from the food and the memories we have to go with it. And the best part is, we still have three more days to create fun memories!

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When I think about summer in the dead of winter, sure I think of warmer temps, but I also think of the food! The warm weather brings local produce sold at the farmer's markets and cookouts full of hamburgers, grilled chicken, fruit and salads. The summer is a time to splurge but it is also a time to enjoy all the tasty healthy food that comes from the Earth when sunshine pours on it for an extended period of time.

Here in New England we think of Labor Day as the official end of summer. It's a sad time for everyone but the good news is we have three more days to enjoy all the good food summer has to offer. If you haven't enjoyed something from the list below, go out and have it sometime this weekend. You'll be sorry you missed your chance if you don't! Happy end of summer and start of fall my fellow food lovers, there will be a whole new crop of things to enjoy these next few months.

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Here are my favorite summertime foods - some healthy, some not. Add yours to the comments so we can all get ideas on what to eat this weekend!

-Zucchini & Summer Squash from Mrs. Iverson's garden
-Black Raspberry Ice Cream from Smitty's in Falmouth
-Cucumbers & Tomatoes from the Dads gardens
-Hamburgers on the grill
-Potato Salad made by my Mom
-Lemonade & Iced Tea
-Strawberries & Blueberries
-Fresh Caught Flounder from fishing on my Dad's boat
-Cherries for a snack at the Beach
-Pasta Salad made by me
-Popsicles with William
-Fresh Basil
-Nonfat Iced Lattes with Mike
-Sauvignon Blanc with Jackie on the porch
-Fresh Raspberries
-Snap Peas
-Corn on the cob

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Photo Credit: Condé Nast Digital Studio