Becoming Your Best Self

Here's Something To Feel Good About Today!

"People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates. ~Thomas Szasz, "Personal Conduct," The Second Sin, 1973

Michelangelo believed that within every marble slab there is a perfect work of art waiting to be revealed. If only it were that simple for us humans. Most of us struggle to emerge, our transformation can be slow and arduous. It's through the process of living that we come to see ourselves more clearly. Then there is the work to finally free ourselves of whatever limitations hold us back.

I am committed to a lifelong process of continual discovery, exploration and risk taking. Yes, I was born with certain traits and talents but I had to discover them and work diligently to develop them. My greatest challenge has been breaking through my own limiting beliefs to learn to completely trust my intuition for guidance.

Today when I see myself in the mirror, I not only know who I am, but I see the woman I am striving to become. After all this time, I finally understand that I am the artist who is molding and shaping me. The tools are in my hands, the outcome will be my unfinished work or a masterpiece of my own making.

Only you can mold yourself in being who you want to become. When you are struggling, remember that you are unique and that the world needs you to reveal your authentic magnificence.

Marlene Moore Gordon

Find Something To Feel Good About Everyday!

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