Facing Fear

Here's Something To Feel Good About Today!

"Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it." ~ Bill Cosby

When I am really afraid of something, I tend to procrastinate. I tell myself I'll get to it tomorrow, or confront it later. I tell my husband, "I'm just not ready yet," he tells me "you're playing Ostrich." The truth is that I'm just plain scared.

Most of us have ingrained, old learned behaviors. The denial habit of "playing ostrich" can be hard to break, but with conviction we can recognize it and decide to do things differently. Facing the truth takes far less energy than it does to hide from it.

Is there something you have been putting off until tomorrow that you could deal with today?

Instead of burying your head in the sand, try telling yourself you will address rather thanconfront it. This works for me because it puts a more positive spin on it and helps to alleviate my fear. Remember that when you focus your energy on being proactive, you cultivate a new habit and achieve result you can feel proud of. The choice is always ours to make.

Marlene Moore Gordon

Find Something To Feel Good About Everyday!

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