Holiday Windows 2010

What better way to get in the holiday spirit than witnessing the extravagant window displays put up by the fancy schmancy retailers. I love this type of assault on my visual sense. Oh, where to look next…

The very best windows, though only ephemeral stages for the visual extravaganza, always offer some mystery and intrigue, a fantastical take on already fantastical fables. As Simon Doonan , Creative Director at Barney's says it "surprise is a very important element of a good window", which explains his wacky take on the foodie culture of the moment.

As we mentioned in an article on the same subject last year, Rudy Pospisil's blog, , might be the best reference to view holiday windows in New York City. He has thus far omitted the disastrous Bloomingdale's holiday windows of this year (thank you) but takes us trans-continental with window displays in Australia and Romania….

Here is a short video that glances at some of the efforts that go on to product the holiday windows at Bergdorf Goodman.

The Bergdorf Goodman visual maestros, Linda Fargo and David Hoey have published a book to immortalize the evanescent nature of this art form. The beautiful volume is titled Windows at Bergdorf Goodman . I haven't seen it but it must be a masterpiece as it sells for about $870 on Amazon.

In the meanwhile, I will let these visuals wash over me and take me away……

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