Is This the Recipe for a Happy Relationship?

Forget an apple a day to keep the doctor away. We're more likely to follow this new rule: A drink a night with your boyfriend keeps relationship problems at bay.

By Zoë Ruderman

That's what researchers at the University at Buffalo are claiming after examining the results of a recent study. They found that couples who have a cocktail or two (or even three) together reported feeling "increased intimacy and decreased relationship problems the next day" as compared to boyfriends and girlfriends who drink apart or don't drink at all.

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But to reap the benefits, you want to cut yourself off at three beverages, say the scientists. That's because twosomes who consumed four or more drinks experienced more relationships problems, including fewer hook-ups.

The lead researcher added that if your boyfriend or husband is sticking to virgin beverages for the night, you may want to consider doing the same. "When both partners drank either heavy or light amounts, as long as they were similar amounts compared to their partner, it was better for the relationship than when one drank heavily and the other lightly," explained Ash Levitt, PhD, in a piece on the University at Buffalo site.

Related: 5 Relationship Rules You Should Break

So go on, follow the doctor's orders and crack open some wine with your boyfriend or husband tonight. Since a bottle of vino has about six servings, you'll still be in the happy-relationship zone. Or if you're in the mood for cocktails, check out the three sexiest warm-weather cocktails from Cosmo's Official Cocktail Book, as featured on the Today show this morning!

Do you find that drinking four or more drinks with your guy leads to fights and less hooking up? Do you believe that there are benefits to having a few cocktails together?

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