Naomi Campbell off the hook for yet another assault

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At this point supermodel Naomi Campbell has become as well known for her abusive behavior as she is walking the runway. Yesterday Campbell was being driven from her hotel to a photo shoot in New York City in an Escalade, when she began slapping and punching her driver from the back seat, hitting him with her cell phone, and causing his head to smack the steering wheel, bruising his right eye. The driver pulled over and contacted the police, but Naomi fled the scene on foot. Presumably, she went on to her fashion shoot, as she sent her assistant to the police station where the driver recounted his story.

"There shouldn't be a rush to judgment," said Campbell's spokesman Jeff Raymond. "Naomi will cooperate voluntarily, and there is more to the story than meets the eye." While Campbell has pled guilty to assault cases in the past, there was no need for her to make a statement this time since no criminal charges were made. There is no word on if the driver will peruse matters in civil court.

We can't believe this keeps happening. While she is capable of using her star wattage for good, as evidenced by her recent charity fashion show for Haiti relief, we feel Campbell has exhibited aggressive and inappropriate behavior too many times to be let off the hook again and again with no real repercussions.

Back in 2008, we wrote a post, Dear Naomi Campbell, Why are you so mad?, detailing her list of offenses over the past decade. Just to recap, here's a quick rundown of Campbell's most recent assaults and brushes with the law:

  • She's attacked multiple personal assistants with telephones, mentally and physically abused them and threatened them.

  • She assaulted one housekeeper with a bedazzled cellphone until she needed stitches, and was called a "violent super-bigot" by another. She was also arrested again on suspicion of assault.

  • She was accused of punching Italian actress Yvonne Sciò in the face till she was "covered in blood." The actress likened Campbell to Mike Tyson.

  • She spit at a police officer at an airport when her luggage was misplaced

The last time Campbell was arrested, she was sentenced to only 200 hours of community service and a $700 fine. With all these previous records, you would think Campbell would at least be forced to continue her anger management classes.

Do you think at this point that Campbell is capable of changing? Since money is no object, and she doesn't seem too concerned with her reputation, what punishment or repercussions do you think might get through to her? Do you think designers should still continue to work with her? [OMG][US]