Teenage Pregnancy - What Teens Aren't Being Taught in School

Factors that affect teen pregnancy rates

Here she walks down the hall wearing a short mini skirt and a smile. That will get his attention, right? This is the mind of a teenage girl. They crave attention, belonging, and for someone to just tell them they are beautiful. It is a major part of their existence, especially when "dad" is not involved.

The extreme need for love and attention may be the most influential factor yet. It isn't necessarily that teenage girls are sex crazed. Even the female who claims this may often have an underlying motive. It's either power or acceptance. Physical pleasure is irrelevant because women all know the most pleasure can come from themselves. In rare instances, yes too, from a man.

So, for teenage girls they may trick themselves into believing this is something they want to do. They love the attention from boys, until they develop a different reputation than they had bargained for and things do not appear so rosy.

Especially when her periods stop and she realizes that she is pregnant. Now what?

Tell her mother who does not have time for her? This is something I wish upon no family. Yet a girl seeking love, surely will not receive it after she spills the beans to her parents. She needs it though.

The Role of a PARENT to Play a Helping Hand for Their Children in the Field of Their CAREER

Being Proactive

- Talk with your children early. Don't be embarrassed to explain how children are made and the importance of waiting until marriage. If you have boys, explain how the women feel. Teach your little man empathy and it will have a great impact on this world.

- Be a role model. Act the way you would want your children to act. This is so effective you do not even have to say anything.

- Be consistent. If you are not going to follow through with something and you know that, then it is may be better to just not do it all. There is nothing worth than inconsistency and it causes your kids to start to lose respect for you.

- Watch their friends. Know where they are, be nosey if you must, nevertheless,not intrusive.

- Beware of "idle time" as your children grown into teenagers. Encourage hanging out in large groups of friends, play team sports, etc.

- As teenagers, tell them the truth. Explain statistics of STD's, pregnancy, and that their freedom will be gone. They need to understand that if they, "just" happened to get pregnant and not end up with and STD they will have no more freedom. Their life is now 100% given to another human being.

- Always talk to your kids everyday. If they do not trust you, they will not talk to you. If they are afraid of you or the consequences, they will not talk to you. Make it a personal responsibility to talk to your children.

Important Things To Keep In Mind Before Building A Youth Shelter

Love your kids.

- It is so important to make children feel that are important and that they matter to you. Let them know how much you care about them even when they are being "a pain in your butt."

Like your children

- Tune yourself into their world. Sit with them. Listen to them. Learn from them. Do not consider is an annoyance and time for avoidance. No, please tune into your kids.

Meet their unmet needs.

Teenage Fantasies

If you have one of those daughters who just love children so much, they want their own then have them volunteer with other teen mothers in your area. Help them to meet their need in a healthy way.

Explain the importance of waiting to have your own family and the joy that will come when they finally achieve that dream.

Don't forget to tell you kids everyday how much you love them.

Thought + Emotion = Energy - Teaching Your Kids How to Manage Their Emotional Energy

Personal Responsibility, Decision Making, and Seizing on Opportunities Equals Teenage Success
