Want to be skinny like Gwyneth Paltrow? Prepare to torture yourself

Gwyneth Paltrow

makes it all look so easy.

She cooks, makes guest appearances on hit television shows, raises her two children, flies from New York to LA to London on a regular basis, writes her Internet newsletter, sings at the Grammy Awards, stars in films ...

... and manages to stay super-duper skinny the whole time.

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Lucky for us, Gwyneth has opted to share her diet and workout regime with the masses.

She's partnered with her personal trainer Tracy Anderson and released a set of workout DVDs and a book detailing Gwynnie's diet and exercise plan.

Now, one woman has tried it and written about the experience. And you won't BELIEVE what she revealed ...

Basically, if Gwyneth's diet and exercise regime is what it takes to be rail thin ...


Rebecca Wilcox tried Tracy Anderson's 30-Day Method and wrote about it for the Daily Mail. While she did lose the weight, she also nearly blacked out in the middle of the street while on the diet!

The plan involves up to THREE HOURS OF EXERCISES PER DAY, Pilates-style exercises that Wilcox said were "mind-numbingly boring."

And that's not even the worst of it! According to Wilcox, the first week of the diet plan calls for an almost entirely pureed diet. The "shakes" Wilcox got to eat ranged from a mixture of kale, spinach, beetroot, and apple (which she says she vomited back up on more than one occasion) to a carrot and parsnip puree.


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After the first week, it didn't get much better. Wilcox wrote that meals were small (lunch is merely a protein bar) and she always felt like she was starving. She even began going to bed early in order to curb her hunger pangs.

The results? Here's what she had to say:

I feel woozy and find it difficult to concentrate. At first I had loads of energy but now I'm always tired and am told I'm horribly grouchy to boot.

My skin is terrible and my nails are flaking and weak. And -- how can I put this -- my system has become, shall we say, somewhat sluggish. Normally I'm as regular as clockwork. Not any more.

Wilcox took her diet plan to a dietitian at a London hospital and learned she had only been consuming 700 calories per day! The dietitian was disturbed both by Wilcox's low calorie consumption and by her diet's lack of calcium and protein.

Sounds like Gwyneth and Tracy should call it the 30-Day Torture Method, don't you think?

You can read Rebecca Wilcox's story in its entirety here. It's very interesting.

What do you think of this diet plan?

Image via dno1967b/ Flickr

Written by Lindsay Ferrier for CafeMom's blog, The Stir.

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