You May Be Giving Wrong Dose of Medicines to Your Kids by Using a Spoon

Doctors generally prescribe syrups and solutions in teaspoon measures for kids. However, parents must use not ordinary teaspoon or tablespoon for giving medicines to their child, as the spoon size can differ significantly and can cause too large or small dose intake.

A new research results have supported the argument. The study was conducted by The Alfa Institute of Biomedical medicine Sciences in Greece. The study gathered teaspoons and tablespoons from 25 houses in Greece to assess if there would be any difference in the doses taken by children from dissimilar houses due to the variation in size of teaspoons. Eventually the study found that the size varied a lot, with the smallest having 2.5ml of liquid and the largest 7.3ml. A regular dosing teaspoon for delivering medicine contains 5ml.

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The researchers stated that the main observation of the study was great variance in the amount of solution that household teaspoons and tablespoons contain, and that there is also significant difference in individual's opinion of when a spoon is full. It should be kept in mind that the dose and mode of administration for kids differ from adults, as kids doses are generally adjusted to their age and weight. In conclusion, this small study highlighted two possible problems that can cause wrong dosing of syrups or solutions when they are measured utilizing a teaspoon.

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First of all, there was no standard size for home teaspoons and hence it can hold an inconsistent quantity of solution. Second, even if individuals use a standard-sized teaspoon, they are not filling it to the fullest, may be because of the fear that the child will not co-operate. To give the appropriate dose of medication to child patient following tips should be adopted: Never use teaspoons or tablespoons to measure the syrup or solution as they may vary in size greatly

Better is to use an oral syringe or medicine spoon or cup supplied with the medicine. Be sure you have filled the spoon or cup as per the medicines dose instructions

In case of any doubt, talk to the doctor or your pharmacist for advice. They can suggest how to measure the medication precisely and give it appropriately.

It is of great importance that the amount of medication be given as mentioned by the doctor or in the specification. Medications have a very narrow therapeutic range which basically means a specific quantity of medication must reach the body for the desired effect. In case the amount of medication is less than what was actually prescribed it may have no or little effect and larger than prescribed doses could be toxic and have other side effects.

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