Easy At-Home Workouts

Feel great, look great, no gym membership required. Get fit for summer at home. You don't even have to buy any expensive exercise equipment. Heck, do it in your pajamas. Simply find a furniture-free space where you can try these exercises three times a week, and you'll see results in less than a month. All you need is a small ball (the size of a soccer ball) and a bath towel.

See the full 30-Minutes to Slim Series

First, you should prepare for exercise with a four-minute warm-up. To get your heart rate up go to your staircase. Step up with your right leg, then with your left, down with your right, down with your left. Repeat both sides. Step gently to protect your knees. If you don't have a staircase, run in place or walk briskly around the house.

1. Ab Twist

Great for: Abdominals, glutes, hamstrings
Number of Reps: 12
Time: 2 minutes
More Workouts for Flat Abs

Ab Twist: starting position
Ab Twist: starting position

Starting Position: Sit on the floor (place a towel underneath you for
comfort), feet shoulder-width apart, toes up, so that you are resting on
your heels. Holding the ball with both hands, extend your arms in front of you.

The Move
: Slowly lie back, tucking in and tightening your abdominals

Ab Twist: the move
Ab Twist: the move

at all times. Stop halfway to the floor and twist to the left, reaching
toward the floor with the ball. Hold for a beat, then slowly twist over
to the right side. Breathe normally and concentrate on contracting your abdominal muscles.

2. Wall Squat

Great for: Glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps
Number of Reps: 12
Time: 2 minutes
More Ways to Shorts-Friendly Thighs

Wall Squat: starting position
Wall Squat: starting position

Starting Position: Standing with your back to a bare wall, take the ball
and place it in the small of your back. Feet should be shoulder-width
apart, toes forward, abdominals tucked.

Wall Squat: the move
Wall Squat: the move

The Move: Lower your body for five counts, until your hamstrings (the backs of your thighs) are parallel to the floor. Hold, then squeeze your glutes (your rear end) and press back up for five counts. Keep the ball between your back and the wall throughout the exercise.

3. Back Pull

Great for: Back muscles
Number of Reps: 12
Time: 2 minutes
Easy Ways to Improve Your Posture

Back Pull: starting positions
Back Pull: starting positions

Starting Position: Roll your towel lengthwise. Grasping an end in either hand, raise the towel over your head, arms extended.

The Move
: Inhale, then slowly exhale, bending arms and lowering the

Back Pull: the move
Back Pull: the move

towel down behind your head. Keep tension on the towel as you raise and lower it, but don't tense your neck.

More Ways to Work Out at Home

More ways to prep for summer from GoodHousekeeping.com:

Your 15-Minute No Fail Workout
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5 Guaranteed-to-Flatter Haircuts
Find the Perfect Swimsuit for Your Shape

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